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Altering historic disturbances

I would like to clip the historic disturbance layer from a uploaded shape file, and then edit features within those disturbances, is that possible?

Best Answer

Some of our Help Center links have changed - here is where to find the current help topics that explain how to create shapes and use them for editing:

To copy a shape from an IFTDSS Reference Layer:

In the table of contents see Using Shapes > Copy from Layers

To use that shape as a mask when making landscape edits:

In the table of contents see  Cycle > Landscape Evaluation > Edit a Landscape


IFTDSS Support Team


Some of our Help Center links have changed - here is where to find the current help topics that explain how to create shapes and use them for editing:

To copy a shape from an IFTDSS Reference Layer:

In the table of contents see Using Shapes > Copy from Layers

To use that shape as a mask when making landscape edits:

In the table of contents see  Cycle > Landscape Evaluation > Edit a Landscape


IFTDSS Support Team

Hi Jeff,

Great question, thanks for posting. We have some info within the help system on this topic. It may be a little variation on what you are asking, but I think it will get you the same result. You can check it out here:

and here: 

 "Saving Shapes for Future Use in IFTDSS":

But in a nutshell, you can use the Landscape Mask from Reference data to accomplish what you are asking (this does depend on which reference data layer you are wanting to select from - the Historic Fuels Treatment Polygon layer isn't quite ready to select from - sorry about that) . You can't "clip" from an uploaded shapefile, but you can select the features from the reference data and turn them into a Mask or several Masks and then edit those as desired. 

Once you select the shapes you are interested in using the "Create/Edit Shapes Tool" in the Map Studio you can save them as Masks that can later be edited and then used for Analysis. 

Let us know if this gets you what you were looking for and if not, we can try a different approach.



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