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Results within a mask

Is it possible to obtain modeling and landscape results within a mask/area of interest? It seems that currently, results are presented for the entire lcp only. In other words, I'd like to know how many acres of fuel model x and flame length y are within an area I designated for treatment by uploading a shape or drawing a shape in the map studio.

Best Answer

This was a great question, since our original answer there have been updates to IFTDSS that help with is. They are tagged as the answer in this forum post:


IFTDSS Support Team


This was a great question, since our original answer there have been updates to IFTDSS that help with is. They are tagged as the answer in this forum post:


IFTDSS Support Team

Thanks for response! How about multiple areas of interest?  I have a landscape with 20+ different treatment units with varying treatment combinations. It would be great to look at results broken down by each of these units. I am thinking the best work around for now is to run a report for each area of interest, one at a time and compile the results.  

Great topic Lauren!  Currently the only place in IFTDSS that you can obtain landscape and model results within an area of interest polygon is for reports created in Landscape Evaluation>Landscape Summary via the IFTDSS Cycle.  However, this is a functionality that we plan on incorporating throughout the application.  We are working right now on incorporating an area of interest option within the Develop Treatment Alternatives workflow in Strategic Planning via the IFTDSS cycle.  This will allow users to create comparison reports that display landscape and model statistics within a user defined area of interested (uploaded or hand drawn single or multi-part polygons).  We are pretty excited about this new functionality and hope our users are too.

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