Is it possible to see spotting distances when running fire behavior models in IFTDSS?
Being able to show spotting distances helps in planning documents to be able to the show potential problems posted by fire embers in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas that can pose threats to structures.
Spotting is also helpful as part of a WUI fire risk assessment because it helps us to determine effective treatment depths around values at risk.
Best Answer
IFTDSS Support Desk
almost 4 years ago
This is a great question.
We do include Spotting Distance and Spotting Direction in the download for Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic) model runs. Our help content on outputs shows there are quite a few outputs in addition to what can be seen in Map Studio and reports available for use outside of IFTDSS in a GIS.
The MTT Fire Spread (Short-Term) download includes the MTT Ember Landing Locations output as well. This is not spotting exactly, since it is the landing of embers which may or may not result in a spot fire. More information about this layer can be found in the help topic for that specific output.
The last model in IFTDSS, Landscape Burn Probability, does not include any outputs specific to spotting.
1 Comment
IFTDSS Support Desk
almost 4 years ago
This is a great question.
We do include Spotting Distance and Spotting Direction in the download for Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic) model runs. Our help content on outputs shows there are quite a few outputs in addition to what can be seen in Map Studio and reports available for use outside of IFTDSS in a GIS.
The MTT Fire Spread (Short-Term) download includes the MTT Ember Landing Locations output as well. This is not spotting exactly, since it is the landing of embers which may or may not result in a spot fire. More information about this layer can be found in the help topic for that specific output.
The last model in IFTDSS, Landscape Burn Probability, does not include any outputs specific to spotting.
Is it possible to see spotting distances when running fire behavior models in IFTDSS?
Being able to show spotting distances helps in planning documents to be able to the show potential problems posted by fire embers in wildland urban interface (WUI) areas that can pose threats to structures.
Spotting is also helpful as part of a WUI fire risk assessment because it helps us to determine effective treatment depths around values at risk.
This is a great question.
We do include Spotting Distance and Spotting Direction in the download for Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic) model runs. Our help content on outputs shows there are quite a few outputs in addition to what can be seen in Map Studio and reports available for use outside of IFTDSS in a GIS.
The MTT Fire Spread (Short-Term) download includes the MTT Ember Landing Locations output as well. This is not spotting exactly, since it is the landing of embers which may or may not result in a spot fire. More information about this layer can be found in the help topic for that specific output.
The last model in IFTDSS, Landscape Burn Probability, does not include any outputs specific to spotting.
IFTDSS Support Desk
This is a great question.
We do include Spotting Distance and Spotting Direction in the download for Landscape Fire Behavior (Basic) model runs. Our help content on outputs shows there are quite a few outputs in addition to what can be seen in Map Studio and reports available for use outside of IFTDSS in a GIS.
The MTT Fire Spread (Short-Term) download includes the MTT Ember Landing Locations output as well. This is not spotting exactly, since it is the landing of embers which may or may not result in a spot fire. More information about this layer can be found in the help topic for that specific output.
The last model in IFTDSS, Landscape Burn Probability, does not include any outputs specific to spotting.
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