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Assistance with Landscape Creation

Hello! Please forgive me if this isn't the best spot to pose this question, I'm not sure exactly where to go for assistance which I am in desperate need of. I'm trying to create a landscape file in FlamMap for some fire modeling simulation in a fictional virtual environment. I have raster files for elevation, slope, aspect, fuel model, and canopy cover. They are all on the same projection and "lined up" when I view them in QGIS. I am trying to create the Landscape file within the FlamMap app, when I add the rasters, some are shifted. My elevation / slope rasters are shifted but aligned together, aspect is off on its own, and fuel / canopy cover appear to be in the correct spot. If anyone has experienced this or has any troubleshooting recommendations, please send them my way, it would be very much appreciated!






Best Answer

Hi Nick, 

There may be some FlamMap folks on here but most of us are more familiar with IFTDSS (It uses several of the FlamMap modeling codes as FlamMap but they are two different applications). 

I'd recommend trying the phone number and email listed on the Technical Support section of: Those channels are specific to the FlamMap application and it is possible you could get an answer more quickly via that route.


IFTDSS Support Team


Hi Nick, 

There may be some FlamMap folks on here but most of us are more familiar with IFTDSS (It uses several of the FlamMap modeling codes as FlamMap but they are two different applications). 

I'd recommend trying the phone number and email listed on the Technical Support section of: Those channels are specific to the FlamMap application and it is possible you could get an answer more quickly via that route.


IFTDSS Support Team

Depending on your use-case and needs, it might be easier to simulate with IFTDSS where you generated the landscape file within the system rather than importing rasters. Here is a link to the IFTDSS Help Center which describes IFTDSS modeling capabilities, tutorials, etc. 


IFTDSS Support Team

Josh, many thanks. I've reached out to them and am working on some interim solutions in the meantime.

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