I know that pictures are captured at least some of the time during the FTEM process. Is there any way to access those along with the rest of the monitoring data?
Thank you!
Best Answer
Kim Ernstrom
over 1 year ago
HI Lindsey - yes, users can attach photos during the monitoring part of FTEM. You can't download them with the reports but you can download them for the individual fires if you have the Editor role.
Hope that helps - let us know if you were looking for something different.
1 Comment
Kim Ernstrom
over 1 year ago
HI Lindsey - yes, users can attach photos during the monitoring part of FTEM. You can't download them with the reports but you can download them for the individual fires if you have the Editor role.
Lindsey Negherbon
I know that pictures are captured at least some of the time during the FTEM process. Is there any way to access those along with the rest of the monitoring data?
Thank you!
HI Lindsey - yes, users can attach photos during the monitoring part of FTEM. You can't download them with the reports but you can download them for the individual fires if you have the Editor role.
Here is the Help topic: https://iftdss.firenet.gov/firenetHelp/help/pageHelp/content/10-ftem/general/attachments.htm?tocpath=FTEM%7CMonitoring%7C_____4
Hope that helps - let us know if you were looking for something different.
Kim Ernstrom
HI Lindsey - yes, users can attach photos during the monitoring part of FTEM. You can't download them with the reports but you can download them for the individual fires if you have the Editor role.
Here is the Help topic: https://iftdss.firenet.gov/firenetHelp/help/pageHelp/content/10-ftem/general/attachments.htm?tocpath=FTEM%7CMonitoring%7C_____4
Hope that helps - let us know if you were looking for something different.
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