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Understanding Fuel Moisture Conditioning

I am trying to understand what inputs go into fuel moisture conditioning?

I am right on the border between two major geographic changes, the Idaho Batholith and Blue Mountains. Depending on relatively small changes in landscape extent I get wild swings in which RAWS station is picked for auto-97th modeling runs. 

As a result, I get very different fuel moisture conditioning inputs for live woody and herbacious fuel moistures. This creates inconsistencies in modeled behavior for the same piece of ground with no changes to landscape data/fuel model.

1 Comment

Hi Hoby,

We can provide some help topics on this if you have not found them already-

The second section "Dead Fuel Moisture Conditioning" discusses fuel moisture conditioning in IFTDSS. For more information on the weather data used the Classified Weather Streams topic has more information.

You mention you are in an area with a lot of variability where one RAWS station may have very different readings than another. If you have a preferred RAWS that does a better job addressing the conditions in your area, it may be worth creating your own weather stream and using that in the fire behavior run. We have a WXS topic on creating that file in Fire Family Plus, and each modeling walk-through includes some detail on using that file. In Landscape Fire Behavior modeling for example, it is described in Step E in this walk-through.

Hopefully some of those topics are useful. Feel free to reply back on here too if you run into follow up questions. Other IFTDSS team members and users may chime in as well.



IFTDSS Support Team

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