Thanks for posting Annie - this is a great question that we get frequently
The plan for IFTDSS training IFTDSS falls into a couple of categories. We have a pretty small staff so we are going to have to rely on a lot of virtual delivery methods. In time we would like to be able to conduct in-person workshops, but that will depend on demand and the budget.
In the Near Term (Spring/Summer 2017):
1) ensure Help Content is thorough and up to date, continue to add more tutorials and short videos
2) hold 2-3 live "Introduction to IFTDSS" webinars that will be recorded for future viewing
3) continue to respond to user feedback and question via these Forums - the QA Forum for basic questions or issues and the Ideas Exchange for gathering suggestions for the future of IFTDSS
Short Term (Fall/Winter 2017)
1) hold more "function" specific webinars once more users are familiar with the system.. for example "IFTDSS for Burn Plan preparers" or "How to Develop Treatment Alternatives"
2) Potentially host some hands-on workshops. These would have to be interagency and centrally located.
3) work with the JFSP fire science exchanges to interact with regional areas and understand specific needs of different geographic areas.
If you have suggestions for training topics please let us know!
Following up on the topic of Training, we have accumulated some additional online presentation since this post was created:
-In Spring 2018 the team recorded a series of webinars covering the core functions of IFTDSS. These are posted in their own Webinar Playlist on the IFTDSS Youtube Channel
-We are continuing to add to the Help Center Tutorials Page.
The Team has also put on workshops in association with national fire conferences, one occurred in Orlando FL in 2017 and Missoula MT in 2018. These are more difficult due to the nature of being a small team and the difficulty of travel budgets for both instructors and participants, but the team does continue to discuss this. We'd encourage interested folks to follow up on this forum topic with their thoughts.
Annie Benoit
There seems to be a lot I can do in IFTDSS, is there a way to access online or in-person training to make my IFTDSS experience more efficient?
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