The burn plan writing part of the new IFTDSS is not developed yet. The IFTDSS team is working with fire management leadership and the user community to determine how this type of burn plan writing functionality will be developed within the Implementation Planning portion of IFTDSS. This discussion includes the issue of regional and local burn plan templates as well as the use of the Interagency Prescribed Fire Plan Template. It is recognized that there is a new Complexity Analysis that will be approved soon and there is a desire to incorporate it in the system at some point as well. If you have ideas on what you would like to be able to do within the Implementation Planning portion of IFTDSS please submit your ideas here Ideas Exchange.
As of this first release (April 13, 2017) you can run fire behavior across the landscape to evaluate prescription criteria and utilize the Develop Treatment Alternatives to compare fuel model changes when testing out prescription outcomes. You can use the Map Studio to make simple maps and use the screen capture to utilize them in your burn plans. Some tutorials and training materials will be developed soon to help users utilize the current functionality of the system to assist in burn plan development.
If you have entered data into the old IFTDSS 2.0 Beta system and would like to retrieve that data, please submit a request for support: and the IFTDSS team will work with you to access this information.
Annie Benoit
I really liked being able to write my burn plans with the old version of IFTDSS, I especially liked the capability to share and collaborate with others so easily as we worked through the process . Will I be able to do this in the new system?
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