This is a great question Andy and one that we would like to address sooner than later. We are currently using the RAWS data to create the automatic 97th percentile outputs. We have been told that the gridded weather system will be available soon, so rather than do a bunch of work with the RAWS that we will discontinue, we have decided we are better off waiting for gridded weather and put our time and money there. Once we have access to gridded weather we would like to develop functionality for users to create other percentiles for use in analysis and comparisons etc.
Thank you for the suggestion and keep them coming! We are looking forward to a lot of new features in 2018
One more follow up to this topic. If you want to use a percentile other than the 97th, such as the 80th or 90th or if you want to use a different weather station, you would have to do this outside of IFTDSS in Fire Family Plus. You could use Fire Family Plus to identify the percentile weather of your choice and gather the following parameters
And yet another followup to this post.
You can select differing percentile values in Fire Family plus (e.g. 80th instead of 97th) by changing the CP #1 or CP # 2 values within the climatology options in the Weather Menu. Reference the FireFamily Plus User's Guide (version 2.0) RMRS-GTR-67-WWW on page 3.13 for more detailed instructions. See screenshot below:
Can RAWS percentiles be adjusted in IFTDSS yet, or is the workflow still to go out to FFPlus?
Hi Bryan, currently that is still an FFPlus task that does not yet exist in IFTDSS.
Original Support Desk Ticket:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I realize that this may be a question that will have to be answered outside of IFTDSS, but I figured I'd ask in case there a quick answer.
How would I go about obtaining the 80th percentile weather conditions from a RAWS so that we could input those values (fuel moistures, wind speed, wind direction) into the IFTDSS fire behavior model.
We want to be able to see what the fire behavior will be under the "average worst" conditions in addition to the extreme conditions of the 97th percentile.
:::::::::::Support Desk Response:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Hi Andy,
Currently the auto-reporting option in IFTDSS is limited to the 97th percentile. The RAWS station used in that summary is listed in the modeling output maps contained in the auto97th report (screenshot attached). From there you could find the RAWS and determine that outside of IFTDSS.
I'm going to forward this to the 'Ideas Exchange' forum, as the developers watch that one for new feature requests, ideas, etc.