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Uploading LCP layers to IFTDSS

Today we received the following question from an IFTDSS user:

"I would like to create a custom lcp from Vmap data.  I can create the lcp, I just need to upload it.  Is there a way to upload a different .lcp other than Landfire?"

Currently, IFTDSS only supports the use of Landfire layers generated within the application.

If you would to see a feature like this implemented in IFTDSS, this is the thread to post your support on, along with any other details or variations on this idea.

- Josh

IFTDSS Support Team

2 people like this idea

We're glad to announce that landscapes can now be uploaded to IFTDSS!

Here are some links to the Help Center How-To topic, as well as the Landscape Requirements for uploading topic.

Thank you all for your inputs on this feature, they were very helpful for our team to refer to during the development of this feature.


IFTDSS Support Team

Hi Paul, I understand the frustration on this one and this is a good question. The fire behavior model algorithms that are housed in IFTDSS require specifically formatted inputs (raster LCP data) and often these individually designed data sets you are mentioning are not compatible with the models in IFTDSS. Its possible in the future if these individual data sets were offered as a service and formatted specifically to work with IFTDSS fire behavior models we could incorporate them. The LCP datasets are accessed by IFTDSS as a service, rather than being stored. We appreciate you posting your idea and question - its a good one - but making these specific data sets available for use in the IFTDSS application is more involved than just having it available to pick from.

While its not the data you reference here, we do plan on having updated LCP layers available in IFTDSS later this year barring any unforeseen issues. 

The why is that there is much better more current data out there especially regarding surface fuels, 

 What about rather than adding LCP upload capability you guys just add some more relevant LCPs.  The Salo data currently on the CA forest observatory website for example is from 2020,  It is also free to the public.

Another option might be the CA fuelscape data the was developed by Pyrologix which I believe is current through 2021,  

Granted both these sets only cover CA.

Thanks all for your feedback here. We’re going to mark this feature as “Deferred”. It won’t be possible right now, but changes are anticipated:

The Development Team has been discussing this. Based on the way landscapes are currently handled in IFTDSS, we can’t support landscape file uploads. That said, there are plans to change the way we handle landscapes in IFTDSS and this change would make it easier for us to support landscape uploading. We don’t have specifics as to a timeline, but I wanted to post here let everyone know the status of this feature request thus far.

For those following or looking to post on here, please continue to do so. Many have given us their specific use-cases of why this feature would help them, and we greatly appreciate it! If anyone has a specific use-case they’d like to share in addition to these, please feel free to do so. The more information we have on the “why” and “how” everyone intends to use this feature, the better we can design IFTDSS to meet those needs.


IFTDSS Support Team

Hi all,

I have been experimenting IFTDSS from Portugal, as we are pushing to bring decision support from such tools in the national system. Congratulations for the capabilities and user-friendliness !

I just wanted to bring another vote for the LCP-upload option, which of course would be great to experiment IFTDSS on the Portuguese landscape.

Thanks !

Importing LCP files is critical here, too.  

I just wanted to give my support to having IFTDSS being able to import LCP files.  From the previous discussions I see that this capability in IFTDSS is in the works.

Hi Ed,

In this case we are reliant on the LANDFIRE Team who provides the Default Rulesets for 2016 landscapes. Their Team priorities are finishing the rest of the GeoAreas for 2016 Remap. Once that is done and distributed we hope they will be able to work on the look up tables for the Default Rules, so we are a ways out probably next calendar year at earliest.


IFTDSS Support Team

Hi Ed,

 Currently Landfire 2016 Remap landscapes can only be edited with User Created rules, Default rules are not yet supported. Landfire 2014 landscapes outside of Alaska will work with Default edits rules. If in doubt, we have a table of the editing availability for each landscape at the bottom of the Help Center page linked below: 


IFTDSS Support Team

Created a landscape file using 2016 Landfire data but get an error that the default edit tools are not available for my landscape but user define may still be used. Checked against 2014 Landfire data for the same area and it works fine. Any suggestion?

Hi Cambria,

 Currently there is not the ability to import LCP files into IFTDSS. The Development Team is engaging in planning discussions to introduce LANDFIRE 2016 data to IFTDSS, but a solid timeline has not been determined yet. I see you found and posted on the Landfire 2016 thread, that one will be the thread to watch. 

 For others following, the Landfire 2016 Forum Thread can be found at: 


 IFTDSS Support Team

I've created a LCP file using LANDFIRE 2016 data using the stand alone FlamMap program. Is there any way to upload that to IFTDSS so I have the same files for both pre and post treatment? I'm going to use IFTDSS to create a new LCP file for post treatment conditions, but it needs to match the 2016 version because they are quite a bit different.

Hi all - would just like to reiterate the need to upload our custom LCP.  Not only is LF notoriously slow for updates (yeah 2016!), but how it moderates conditions can also influence fire behavior models in all sorts of unrealistic ways.  See picture showing CBD distribution on what LF thought was a homogenous landscape: 



Hi Paul

Thanks for posting!

We have not added the ability for users to upload a custom LCP to IFTDSS. We have had users ask about this feature and it is on our list for future development. 

IFTDSS does have a user friendly Landscape Editor however, depending on how complex your edits are you may be able to recreate some of them directly in the IFTDSS system. I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but is the best solution we have at this time. 

For reference here is the link to the Online Help related to editing landscape:

Also for Burn Probability Modeling purposes the landscape size limit is 3.5 million acres. 



I have updated landscape files for El Dorado County, CA that I would like to be able to use with burn probability modeling. 

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