We're glad to announce that landscapes can now be uploaded to IFTDSS!
Here are some links to the Help Center How-To topic, as well as the Landscape Requirements for uploading topic.
Thank you all for your inputs on this feature, they were very helpful for our team to refer to during the development of this feature.
IFTDSS Support Team
IFTDSS Support Desk
Today we received the following question from an IFTDSS user:
"I would like to create a custom lcp from Vmap data. I can create the lcp, I just need to upload it. Is there a way to upload a different .lcp other than Landfire?"
Currently, IFTDSS only supports the use of Landfire layers generated within the application.
If you would to see a feature like this implemented in IFTDSS, this is the thread to post your support on, along with any other details or variations on this idea.
- Josh
IFTDSS Support Team
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